Friday, January 1, 2010


Well, here we are in 2010. Personally I am glad 2009 is gone and may it rest in peace. What will we experience in the new year? Will we achieve a goal? Will we start to do something that we have always wanted to? Will we see amazing new break throughs in medicine, science, sport, art? How many new phones will Verizon, At&t, Sprint, T-Mobile, etc. try to get us to buy?

Those questions and many more are typical in the first days of a new year. Here are some deeper ones for you that we should be asking. How many people who don't know Jesus will find him and hang on? How many of us that DO know Jesus will get back on the Jesus trail having fallen off? I know that this is a personal thing and many of us don't even want to hear some guy say it in an email and if you are one of those, I apologize, but just think what changes would take place if the majority of us DID try to follow Him? I would imagine quite a few. Scripture says that God has placed His hand on our shoulder and has guided us as a people and a nation, but through our selfishness and all of the external influences on us we have drifted away from Him and therfore He has chosen to let us be. He lifted His hand and is allowing us to go right down the road to ruin. I can't say it for sure, but I sure see signs of it everywhere. Lets hope that we reverse this trend and re-evaluate all of our decisions and ask God to help us in all things. We don't have to see BIG things. Everyday actions and activities can be affected by His power If we just let it.

When I was thinking about this email to all of you I started to put together a political slam email and talk about all of the crap that the morons in Washington and all of our State houses are doing to us, but instead I want to ask each of you to join me in a prayer for those that have the power to change our lives and ask God to make them see the way to do the right thing by us.

Check out my new photos on Flickr and

Proverbs 3
God Bless you all

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