Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A Re-awakening

I don't know how it happened, but I am glad it did. Now, the challenge is to keep it right where it is now. What, you say? The photography. I have rekindled that bug I have for taking pictures. I have been inspired by a newsletter I receive each week with all kinds of great stuff. The latest from other readers, weekly challenges and tons of tips for every kind of photography technique there is. Another inspiration is Flickr. Using it and joining groups with similar interests is a lot of fun and also a way to get or keep inspiration. Each post here will have at leats one photo I have taken and a little about it. I will ask for critique from my readers and (I hope), other photographers.

I have been studying photography and post processing techniques heavily and have found a few great tools for editing and adding to my images. Although I don't want to manipulate all my images, I do feel that there are those images that really come to life if you use the right tool and (the biggest thing), knowing when enough is enough. OK, enough with the words. See ya next time.

I have posted an image here that I feel gained a lot of "life" by processing it through a filter. Any and all of my images are located on Flickr, so you can check them all out there as well as zillions of others.

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