Saturday, January 16, 2010

A Different View, A Dog's View

Originally uploaded by paldusty
Picture is of Bo and Sydney getting some morning treats. Check out the entire set on Flickr (A Dog's View). A link to my Flickr page is on right hand side of this blog.

Sometimes when we want to do something, when we want to be inspired we try and try, but nothing comes. Then in a flash something comes together. some aspect of a dream that you want to fulfill is shown to you and WALA!
I know that I have been searching and searching for a couple of things in my life. One of them is what can I do in photography that has not been done a million times? it's fairly easy to get on the net and check out really good photography sites and see something that just takes your brain over and is maybe is really beautiful and inspired, but you know that there is always another out there that will do it and do it better than you. I am famous for taking some other work, adding my own touch and calling it "Good Enough". Many of us live vicariously through others and I know that I have done that more than once. I can sit and day dream all day, lost in a photo blog, looking and reading about the adventure that is portrayed there.

In the last two days something more has come into my consciousness though. Something that I can call my own. There have been two instances all leading to the same conclusion. I talked to a man yesterday, Doug, that opened up my eyes about a project that I have been thinking about for more than a year. A story that I want to tell through pictures. What he did is allow me to see the end game of that project. I am not going to tell you what the project is for a few reasons, but through talking it out with him I was finally seeing the reason for doing the project in the first place.

The second thing I have been searching for in my life is how can I use what ever God has giving me to help or inspire others. God tells us that we all have something to give. Now I believe that we all do have something with all of my soul, but for the life of me I have not come close to seeing what I have to offer that is of any circumstance. Talking to Doug showed me that I have been trying too hard with my own strength. What I should have been doing the whole time is just letting God handle it. Put it in his hands. He WILL show us one way or the other. Doug and I had never met or talked before yesterday, but somehow in the first ten minutes of our conversation he brought home to me the completed vision that I have been having. It was seriously ironic and almost scary. I told him that I was interested in photography and he just blurted out something that he had been wanting to do for a time and that he was not a camera guy, but thought that maybe I could do that part of of the project. It was amazing. Like I said, I have been wanting to show through images a particular part of life for a long time, but have not been able to figure out what would make the reader/viewer compelled by the story and he gave it to me. I have been stunned and stoked all night and day.

What was the second thing that happened? As I have written before. If you like images and real good photography check out the links that I have put on this blog of sites that I think are great. Today I placed a link to a guy named "Nick" Nichols. He is one of only five staff photographers for National Geographic magazine. His work is incredible as you can imagine. What he does on his site as some others do as well is explain his philosophy about photography as well as answer in a frequently asked questions section many of the questions that people have asked him over the years. His responses are really good and given the mood I have been in since talking with Doug, his "Take" on things really hit home and galvanized my feelings about this mysterious project I keep talking about.

Do yourselves a huge favor and check out his site and just for grins, Google "National Geographic Photographers" and start viewing. Just amazing stuff and each has a unique perspective on their work and the world.

Thanks for reading

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